Market Equity provides specific Forex Apps for Apple and Android operating systems.
How to trade on Apple devices?
Download the"MetaTrader5" from the Apple store.
Go to settings and click on the Meta trader 5 Demo account.
Click on New Account
Search and select "MarketEquityInc"
Choose the server "MarketEquityInc-live"
Enter your MT5 login and password credentials
How to trade on Android devices?
1-Download "MetaTrader5" from the paly store or through the following link : and follow the steps:
2- Click on Quotes on the left side
3- Go to Manager Account
4- Click on the (+) icon on the right side of the screen.
5- Search and select "MarketEquityInc"
6- Enter your Mt5 login and password credentials
7 - Choose the server "MarketEquityInc-live"
8 - Click login